AMEB (NSW) does not provide accompanists for exams. Candidates should make their own arrangements for an accompanist. Teachers will often be able to help!
The Accompanists’ Guild of NSW has a list of approved, professional accompanists based in NSW. Search by postcode to find someone in your local area. They can also tell you what information to provide an accompanist and how much they charge.
Practise as much as possible with your accompanist. They will need to know how you will interpret each piece.
Ensure your accompanist has your exam details including the date, time and venue. Give your accompanist your mobile phone numbers and a copy of your Notice of Examination.
What accompaniment is allowed in an AMEB exam?
- Live accompaniment is required for Grade 4 and above in AMEB examinations.
- If using recorded accompaniment for lower grades, only AMEB Grade book recorded accompaniments produced by AMEB and licensed for use in exams can be used.
- Leisure syllabus and Rockschool exams can still use recorded accompaniments at all grade levels as per their syllabus information.
- Piano is the only instrument permitted for exam accompaniment. No other instrument is permitted for accompaniment in AMEB exams.
- Live ensemble work allows candidates to demonstrate their unique musical choices and their ability to work with other musicians and develop leadership skills, volume balance and synchronicity.
- Pieces that have a printed piano accompaniment part must be presented, in both face-to-face or video repertoire exams, with that live piano accompaniment to meet the requirement set out in the AMEB Manual of Syllabuses Regulation 24.
Recorded Accompaniment
AMEB strongly encourages using an accompanist. But not everyone has immediate and ongoing access to an accompanist.
AMEB releases recorded performances of accompaniment parts for pieces in some AMEB grade books which are ideal for rehearsals. When permitted, candidates may perform with these recordings in exams instead of using an accompanist.
Candidates using recorded accompaniment must supply and operate their own:
- CD player or
- other quality audio equipment
for their examination.
Recorded accompaniments are available for all grades in the For Leisure syllabuses and the lower grade exams (Preliminary to Grade 3 in most cases) for the following:
- Violin: Series 9
- Flute: Series 3
- Clarinet: Series 3
- Saxophone: Series 2
- Cello: Series 2
- Percussion: Series 1 (available to Grade 4)
- Musical Theatre: Series 1
Buy accompaniment recordings as individual tracks or complete CDs from:
- the AMEB (NSW) online shop
- AMEB preferred retailers
- iTunes and other digital music outlets.
For more information see the regulations in the AMEB Manual of Syllabus or talk with your teacher.
Accompaniment for Video Repertoire exams
Please see the information on the Video Repertoire Exam Preparation page.
MyTempo app
Use the MyTempo app to practice with an accompaniment any time and at any speed. Available to buy from the Apple Store