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Pre-enrolment checklist

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Pre-enrolment checklist

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Use the pre-enrolment checklist below to ensure you have all the information you need to enrol a student in an AMEB (NSW) face-to-face exam. A similar checklist is available for Video Repertoire exams.


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Is the student ready to sit an exam?

Please refer to the relevant syllabus and subject/grade your student is intending on sitting, to ensure all the requirements of the exam have been prepared.

For example:

  • Is the student going to sit a Piano Comprehensive exam?
  • Have they learnt technical work or general knowledge? As these aspects form part of a 'comprehensive' exam

Or, for example:

  • Is the student going to sit a Violin Repertoire exam?
  • Have you checked the syllabus to make sure your student has prepared the correct number of pieces they need for the repertoire exam?

By doing a thorough check, you will ensure that your student is enrolled in the correct exam and avoid any change fees and/or stress on exam day.

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Do you have access to AMEB Connect?

You HAVE NOT enrolled a student before

You will need an AMEB Connect login. Follow this step by step guide to enrol a student in AMEB Connect.

You have enrolled students before

Check your address and email are up to date in AMEB Connect. If not, complete the Update Contact Details form. Once your details have been updated by AMEB (NSW) staff, you will then be able to log in and enrol your students into their exam.

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Required enrolment information

To enrol a student in an AMEB (NSW) exam you will need to know the following:

  • Correct spelling of the candidate's full name
  • Candidate's date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • Candidate number (if the candidate has done an AMEB (NSW) exam before)
  • Exam subject syllabus (e.g. piano comprehensive) and
  • Exam subject code (e.g. Piano Grade 4 or 01234)

If you have enrolled this student before, you will find them listed in the 'My Candidates' icon in AMEB Connect. Just check the box next to their name and then click 'enrol this candidate'.

If you haven't enrolled this student before, you can search for a 'previous candidate' by entering their candidate number and name OR name and date of birth, then click find. If the details you've entered match identically to what is on the AMEB (NSW) database, the system will state 'candidate found'. If not, please phone the AMEB (NSW) office and we will be able to provide the candidate number to you after answering a few verifying questions.

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Are there any dates to avoid?

Check the subject page or dates page on the website to check the exam session date range of when your students exam could be held. Please note that some exam sessions are held during school holidays. So this is where you will need to speak with the students parents, or if you are the parent, check your calendar to identify any dates AMEB (NSW) need to avoid when scheduling the exam. So please consider any:

  • family holidays
  • school camps/excursions
  • examinations or
  • family commitments

that might conflict with the exam session. If you have identified dates to avoid, please note these dates in the 'scheduling request' field during the enrolment process. You may have a preference of certain days to avoid - so you can write 'Please avoid Wednesday's'.

You will also have the opportunity to list other scheduling preferences during the enrolment process such as:

  • Weekday or Saturday (Saturdays are not guaranteed)

Use the important dates checklist to ensure you have all the information you need.

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Is the student sitting multiple exams?

If the student is sitting for more than one exam in the same exam session, please note this in the scheduling request field. This is especially important if different teachers are enrolling the student in different instruments. It is also helpful to note if:

  • the exams should be on the same day
  • the exams should be on different days.


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Are there any conflicts of interest?

You must declare if the candidate is or has been taught by an AMEB (NSW) examiner in the past three years.

If so, the candidate cannot be examined by this examiner. Please note this in the scheduling request field during the enrolment process.

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Do you have a Non-English speaking student?

Non-English speaking students may apply to the AMEB in writing to have an accredited interpreter present at their exam. The cost of the interpreter is the responsibility of the student.

Accredited interpreters may be contacted through Multicultural NSW.

Please note that teachers and family members are not allowed to act as an interpreter.

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Do you wish the exam to be held at a private studio/external venue?

If you wish to request the exam is held at a non-AMEB venue (external venue) you will need to supply a venue code during the enrolment process.

Unfortunately, AMEB (NSW) is unable to supply venue codes for non-AMEB venues. You will need to speak with the venue owner for permission to use their venue and they will provide you with their venue number. This venue code is what you will need to enter at during the enrolment process.


If you have not enrolled a student before or need a refresher read how to enrol a student in an AMEB exam.