Unable to attend an exam
If your candidate is unable to attend an exam please complete and submit the Candidate Withdrawal Form.
A full refund, less a $30 administration fee, will be given if the Candidate Withdrawal Form is received before the closing date of the exam period.
A 50% refund will be given if the Candidate Withdrawal Form is received prior to the refund date noted on the relevant Practical Exam Dates and Written exam dates page.
Changing the exam date
It is not possible to transfer from:
- a face-to-face to an online written exam
- an online to a face-to-face written exam
- from one exam year to the next
under any circumstances.
Before the exam has been scheduled
Students can transfer to another exam session within the exam year if they request a change before the exam has been scheduled. This request needs to be made in writing by email. We will respond with your options and whether any fees may be incurred.
When has an exam been scheduled?
An exam is scheduled when:
- a provisional date has been set and the following message is displayed in AMEB Connect: 'Scheduled - official notice pending', or
- the Notice of Examination is uploaded to AMEB Connect and the following message is displayed: 'Scheduled - notice of exam sent'.
The enrolling person is notified by email that the Notice of Examination is available in AMEB Connect.
After the exam has been scheduled
Once an exam is scheduled and the Notice of Examination is uploaded to AMEB Connect, candidates may reschedule or transfer to another exam.
A candidate may apply to reschedule an exam for any reason by submitting a Rescheduling Request form with payment of a rescheduling fee equivalent to 75% of the exam fee. This form must be submitted no later than ten (10) business days before the exam date.
A candidate may apply to transfer an exam for a transfer fee equivalent to 50% of the exam fee for the following reasons:
- substantiated medical grounds
- compulsory school examinations or excursions
Consult the AMEB (NSW) Transfer and Rescheduling Policy for more information.
Complete the Transfer Request Form and attached the relevant supporting material if the student meets the requirements to request a transfer.
Advising a date/s a student cannot do an exam after enrolment
If you need to advise a date or dates a student can not sit their AMEB exam after you have completed the enrolment for that student, complete and submit the Scheduling Request Form. The form must be completed by the person who enrolled the student in the exam.
The AMEB (NSW) is unable to accept requests for specific exam dates, times or late exams. We do accept dates to avoid. An administration fee of $35 per candidate per exam is charged for scheduling requests that are not on the original enrolment. Requests will not be processed without the accompanying fee.
The AMEB (NSW) will try and accommodate scheduling requests received after enrolment, but cannot guarantee meeting the request. If the AMEB (NSW) cannot meet the request the $35 fee will be refunded.
Candidates who have been taught by an AMEB examiner
If a candidate has been taught or has had lessons/masterclasses on any of their instruments in the last three years by someone who is a current AMEB (NSW) examiner, this must be indicated in the Scheduling Request section of the enrolment. If a lesson/masterclass was to occur after enrolment, the candidate must notify the AMEB (NSW) before the exam is scheduled. This information will ensure that examiners are not scheduled to examine their own past or present students.
Requests regarding the scheduling or non-scheduling of specific examiners will not be considered (unless a candidate has been taught by an AMEB (NSW) examiner in the last 3 years).
If an exam has to be rescheduled because this information was not provided at the time of enrolment, additional transfer fees will apply. See the section "After the exam has been scheduled" above for the fees.
Change of Grade or Subject
AMEB (NSW) advises enrollers to carefully check the Confirmation of Enrolment email sent to the enrolling person after a student has been enrolled in an AMEB exam, either practical or written. If a mistake has been made please advise the AMEB (NSW) within 5 business days of receiving the Confirmation of Enrolment email to fix the mistake without any fee being charged.
Sometimes a student wishes to change the exam they have been enrolled in. They may want to change the
- Syllabus (from Piano Comprehensive to Piano For Leisure)
- grade or
- subject
To request a change complete the Change of Subject, Grade or Syllabus Form.
A fee of $30 will be charged if the change is requested more than 5 days after the confirmation of enrolment email.
Change of Contact Details
Changes to a teacher/enroller's
- phone
can be made online in AMEB Connect by clicking on the 'My Contact Details' icon.
Changes to a teacher/enroller's address must be made using the Update Contact Details form and be accompanied by proof of the new address such as a
- Phone bill
- Water bill
- Council rates notice
- Lease agreement with your name
Change of Teacher or Enrolling Person
If a student changes teacher and would like all AMEB (NSW) correspondence about the enrolment to go to the new teacher, complete the Change of Teacher form.
A fee of $55 per candidate is charged to make this change.
A change of teacher or enrolling person after a student has been enrolled in an exam does not change the exam period. The exam will be set according to the original enrolling person's postcode.
Students may not change the enrolling person once the exam has taken place.
Substituting a Candidate
Under no circumstances can an enrolled candidate be substituted by another candidate for an exam.
Online written exams extension of time
A 30 day extension of time can be purchased for online written exams. The extension must be purchased before the expiry date of the exam.
A fee of $20 is charged for the one month extension.
To purchased an extension:
- Login to AMEB Connect
- Click on 'My Candidates' and select the candidate you wish to submit the extension for
- Click on 'Request Extension' to add the extension to your basket
- Go to your basket and pay for the extension
The new expiry date will be displayed next to the exam key when you click on 'My Candidates' and select the relevant candidate.
Changes to online written exams
If changes are required to an online written exam enrolment, please advise the AMEB (NSW).
- Any changes within five business days of receiving the Confirmation of Enrolment email will not incur any change fees. The original enrolment will need to be cancelled and a new enrolment submitted.
- Changes requested more than five business days after receiving the Confirmation of Enrolment email but within 30 days of the original enrolment will incur a fee of $30. The original enrolment will need to be cancelled (less $30.00 fee) and a new enrolment submitted.
- Changes cannot be made more than 30 days after receiving the Confirmation of Enrolment email. Please see the Refund Policy for more details.
Fees for Changes
Where fees are charged, Mastercard and Visa credit, debit and pre-paid cards are accepted