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Enrolment Change Fee Policy

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Enrolment Change Fee Policy

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AMEB (NSW) are aware of the busy schedules both teachers and parents have. So the online enrolment process has been developed to provide enrollers with ample opportunity to double check the enrolment details to ensure their students and children are enrolled into the correct exam.  

Change of Grade or Subject/Syllabus

It is important for enrollers to carefully check both the shopping basket in Connect (at the time of enrolment) and then the Confirmation of Enrolment email sent to the enrolling person after a student has been enrolled in an exam.

  • If a mistake has been made and you notice this in the shopping basket in Connect, you can click 'edit enrolment' to make the correction
  • If a mistake has been made and you notice this in the Confirmation of Enrolment email, please forward that email to the AMEB (NSW) office within five (5) business days of receiving the Confirmation of Enrolment email, advising what correction needs to be made and an AMEB (NSW) staff member will edit the enrolment (free of charge).

Changes that can be made are:

  • Syllabus (for example - from Piano Comprehensive to Piano For Leisure)
  • grade or subject (for example - from Piano Comprehensive OLD Grade 3 to Piano Comprehensive NEW Grade 3)

When is an Enrolment Change Fee applied?

There are three (3) occasions where an Enrolment Change Fee is applied.

  1. The enroller advises the AMEB (NSW) office of the changes more than five (5) business days after the confirmation of enrolment email.
  2. The enroller receives the 'Notice of Practical Exam' letter and realises the student has been enrolled incorrectly. The enroller must complete a Change of subject, grade or syllabus form.
  3. During the exam it was discovered that the student was enrolled incorrectly. The student was enrolled in one exam but presented for a different exam
    (for example - the student was enrolled in Violin Comprehensive Grade 1 but presented for an exam in Violin Repertoire Grade 1). In this particular circumstance, so as to not penalise the student with an 'Unable to Assess' award, the examiner will continue with the exam. The enroller will receive an 'Enrolment Change Fee' form via email advising them of the situation and the now outstanding amount due.

A fee of $30 per change will be charged and the Enroller/Teacher's account will be placed on hold, and certificates will be held in the office until the outstanding payment is paid in full.