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Music for exams

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Photocopies are not allowed in AMEB (NSW) exams.

Candidates sitting practical exams must have original copies of all the music they will perform, even if they plan to play from memory.

You can attach the photocopy to the original music to avoid difficult page turns.

Why aren't photocopies permitted?

Unauthorised photocopying is illegal. Composers, authors and playwrights depend on royalty income from the sale of their work.

Can I use purchased downloads?

You can purchase and download music from legitimate websites.

Attach your purchase receipt for reference.

Can I use music from the public domain?

You can download music from the internet if it is in the public domain.

For more information read this guide to Music Copyright for Australian Educators or visit APRA AMCOS.


AMEB (NSW) recommends using the original editions of music, but any standard edition is acceptable.

Arrangements must use the specified volume of the original music as other editions may not be of a suitable level of difficulty for the exam.


Candidates are required to be familiar with repeats, but repeats are not required during the exam unless specifically requested by the examiner.

Candidates need to observe de capo directions.

Pencil marks

All pencil marks on music relating to 'general knowledge' must be rubbed out before entering the exam room.

Marks indicating fingering, bowing or other teaching aids can remain.

Recorded accompaniment

AMEB (NSW) does not provide CD players, iPod docks, USB ports or amps for exams.

If candidates are using recorded accompaniment, rather than live piano accompaniment, they must bring all relevant equipment and are responsible for its operation.