Are you ready to submit your candidates’ video for their Rockschool Video Exam?
If you have enrolled your student/child into a Rockschool Video Exam and they have already recorded and uploaded their video to YouTube (as instructed), please complete all sections and declarations in the Rockschool Video submission form
Before completing the form make sure you have:
- Enroller details
- Candidate details
- The YouTube link of the uploaded video (URL)
- List of all works in performance order. Please include composer (surname, initials) and title
- Recording supervisor details
- If you have included any Own Choice Pieces, please contact our office for instructions of how to provide us with the sheet music and backing tracks for these pieces.
This is the final step of the Video Exam submission. Your video will be scheduled for examination in the next few weeks. You will be notified by email. Scheduling information can be viewed on AMEB Connect NSW under ‘My Candidates’ when this happens.