The AMEB (NSW) Constitution sets out the composition, objective, role and functions of the AMEB (NSW) Board.
AMEB (NSW) Board
Chair - Professor Anna Reid
BMus Perf (USYD), MEd Admin (UNE), PhD (UTS)
Head of School and Dean of Sydney Conservatorium of Music, NSW representative on Federal AMEB Board
Chair of the AMEB (NSW) Board - Ex-officio
Paul Daniell
BA (Macq.), PGDipArts (Melb), MSc (Syd)
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
Deputy chair of the AMEB (NSW) Board - Ex-officio
Erin Bubb
Private speech and drama teacher representative
Karen Burke
MEd, ATLead (NESA), BEd - Secondary, DipEd Music, Cert. Piano Teaching
NSW Department of Education representative
Brendan Collins
MCA, BMus, DSCM, AMusA, LTCL, Grad Dip Ed
Examiner representative
Emma Gelding
BMus (hons), LMusA, LMusA, AMusA, AMusA, LTCL
Private music teacher representative
Elizabeth Green
BMus, BArt, ARCM
Examiner representative
Jing Liang
MMus, BMus, LMusA, AMusA
Private music teacher representative
Alex Manton
BMusEd, LMusA, AMusA, ATCL
NSW Department of Education representative - Ex-officio
Professor Alistair Noble
PhD, MMus, BMus
NSW Vice Chancellor's Committee representative
Dr Paul Owens
PhD, MEd, BEd
NSW Department of Education representative
Nana Tatanaszwili
MMus (Hons), BMus (Hons)
Private music teacher representative