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Warm-up rooms

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Warm-up rooms

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AMEB (NSW) does not provide warm-up rooms for most exam venues. Students taking exams at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music or private venues are not permitted access to warm-up rooms.

Silent warm-up techniques such as:

  • moving fingers
  • tapping rhythms or
  • singing in their head

can help students prepare at the exam venue. AMEB (NSW) recommends students warm up at home before leaving for their exam.

Where warm-up rooms are available they are for warming up and tuning only, not last minute practice.

AMEB (NSW) Studios, Clarence Street, Sydney

Warm-up facilities are available for students in the following categories:

  • Stings: all grades
  • Brass: all grades
  • Woodwind: all grades
  • Singing: all grades
  • Piano: Grade 8 and Certificate of Performance

sitting grade exam at the AMEB (NSW) Studios at Clarence Street Sydney.

Students should arrive with time to take advantage of the warm-up. They will have five minutes to tune their instrument and warm-up. Parents, accompanists, music books and instrument cases should remain in the waiting area. Students may have to share the warm-up room with other students.

Students sitting:

  • Associate (AMusA) and
  • Licentiate (LMusA)

diplomas may use the warm-up facility for 10 minutes before their exam. They may take music books and an accompanist into the warm-up room.