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Grades and marking guidelines

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Practical Exams

The AMEB uses the following grades for:

  • Level 1 (Preliminary to Grade 4)
  • Level 2 (Grade 5 to 8)
  • Certificate of Performance

Music Exams

Pass with High Distinction (A+)

In addition to satisfying the requirements for an A grading (below), the candidate demonstrates outstanding achievement in meeting the syllabus objectives in all sections including performance flair, consistent technical fluency and penetrating stylistic insight.

Pass with Honours (A)

The candidate demonstrates an overall superior level of achievement in meeting the syllabus objectives in all sections, in terms of musicianship, security of technique (including intonation, tone, phrasing, articulation, rhythm), and stylistic awareness.

Pass with Credit (B+ or B)

B+: In addition to satisfying the requirements for a B grading (below), the candidate demonstrates meritorious achievement against most of the syllabus objectives.

B: The candidate demonstrates an overall creditable level of achievement with appropriate development of musicianship, technique and stylistic awareness in accordance with the syllabus objectives. Some unevenness in achievement in meeting the syllabus objectives, or between different sections of the exam, may be apparent.

Pass (Satisfactory) (C+ or C)

C+: In addition to satisfying the requirements for a C grading (below), the candidate demonstrates more than adequate achievement against some of the syllabus objectives in each section.

C: The candidate demonstrates an overall adequate level of achievement in musicianship, technique and style in accordance with the syllabus objectives. Considerable unevenness of achievement in meeting the syllabus objectives, or between different sections of the exam, may be apparent.

Not Satisfactory (D)

The candidate demonstrates an overall inadequate level of musicianship, technique and style and does not satisfy the syllabus objectives. Often this has resulted from inadequate preparation. Presentation is often hesitant, evidencing technical errors and/or an inappropriate sense of style.

Unable to Assess (UA)

Students receive this result when a significant or compulsory aspect of the grade and syllabus is not presented. The examiner is unable to provide a grading and a certificate cannot be issued.

Some examples of this result include:

  • a compulsory timing requirement is not met
  • a candidate is unable to present pieces that require certain accompaniment with that accompaniment or
  • significant sections of the examination are not presented.

Diploma exams

Associate Diploma (AMusA)

Award with Distinction: The candidate must fulfil the criteria for a pass award (below) and in addition demonstrate performance flair, consistent technical and musical command and penetrating stylistic insight.

Award: The candidate must fulfil the syllabus objectives to a level that meets the technical and musical demands of the repertoire and produce a satisfying musical performance overall.

No Award: The candidate shows an inadequate level of musicianship, technique and style resulting in a performance that does not yet fulfil the requirements for the award. Unable to Assess (UA) will also result in No Award.

Licentiate Diploma (LMusA)

Award with Distinction: The candidate must fulfil the criteria for a pass award (below) and in addition demonstrate performance flair, consistent technical and musical command and penetrating stylistic insight.

Award: The candidate must fulfil the syllabus objectives, reaching a level of achievement that meets the technical and musical demands of the repertoire and produces a coherent and accomplished performance overall.

No Award: The candidate shows an inadequate level of musicianship, technique and style resulting in a performance that does not yet fulfil the requirements for the award. Unable to Assess (UA) will also result in No Award.

Written Exams

The AMEB uses the following grades for written Grade exams:

High Distinction - 95%

Honours - 85%

Credit - 75%

Pass - 65%

The AMEB uses the following grade for written Diploma exams:

Pass - 75%

Speech & Drama Exams

The AMEB uses the following grades for all Speech & Drama Grade exams:

Pass with High Distinction (A+)

In addition to satisfying the criteria for an A grading (below), the candidate demonstrates outstanding achievement in all areas of performance and preparation. For Drama and Communication, where a duo or group, that they demonstrate outstanding achievement in all areas of teamwork.

Pass with Honours (A)

The candidate demonstrates an overall superior level of achievement in terms of reading accuracy, rhythmic sense, stylistic insight, performing presence, audience awareness, and preparation of topics. For Drama and Communication, where a duo or group, that they demonstrate superior achievement in all areas of teamwork.

Pass with Credit (B+ or B)

B+: In addition to satisfying the requirements for a B grading (below), the candidate demonstrates meritorious achievement against most criteria. For Drama and Communication, where a duo or group, that they demonstrate meritorious achievement in all areas of teamwork.

B: The candidate demonstrates an overall creditable level of achievement, with appropriate development of reading accuracy, rhythmic sense, stylistic insight, performing presence, audience awareness, and preparation of topics. Some unevenness of achievement between these criteria, or different parts of the exam, may be apparent. For Drama and Communication, where a duo or group, that they demonstrate creditable level achievement in all areas of teamwork.

Pass (Satisfactory) (C+ or C)

C+: In addition to satisfying the requirements for a C grading (below), the candidate demonstrates more than adequate achievement against some of the criteria. For Drama and Communication, where a duo or group, that they demonstrate more than adequate achievement in all areas of teamwork.

C: The candidate demonstrates an overall adequate level of achievement in reading accuracy, rhythmic sense, stylistic insight, performing presence, audience awareness, and preparation of topics. Considerable unevenness of achievement between these criteria, or different parts of the exam, may be apparent. For Drama and Communication, where a duo or group, that they demonstrate adequate level achievement in all areas of teamwork.

Not Satisfactory (D)

The candidate demonstrates an overall inadequate level of reading accuracy, rhythmic sense, stylistic insight, performing presence, audience awareness, and preparation of topics. Often this resulted from deficiencies in preparation or a hesitant presentation evidencing technical errors and an inappropriate sense of style. For Drama and Communication, where a duo or group, that they demonstrate inadequate achievement in all areas of teamwork.

Unable to Assess (UA)

Students receive this result when a significant or compulsory aspect of the grade is not presented or if the syllabus requirements have not been adhered to. The examiner is unable to provide a grading and a certificate is not issued.

Diploma Exams

Associate Diploma (ASPA, ADPA and APCA)

Award with Distinction: The candidate must fulfil the criteria for a pass award (below) and in addition demonstrate outstanding achievement in all areas of performance and preparation.

Award: The candidate demonstrates an overall superior level of achievement in terms of stylistic insight, performing presence, audience awareness, reading accuracy, rhythmic sense and preparation of topics.

No Award: The candidate demonstrates an overall inadequate level of achievement in terms of stylistic insight, performing presence, audience awareness, reading accuracy, rhythmic sense and preparation of topics.

Unable to Assess (UA) will also result in No Award.

Licentiate Diploma (LSPA and LDPA)

Award with Distinction: The candidate must fulfil the criteria for a pass award (below) and in addition demonstrate outstanding achievement in all areas of performance and preparation.

Award: The candidate demonstrates an overall superior level of achievement in terms of stylistic insight, performing presence, audience awareness, reading accuracy, rhythmic sense and preparation of topics.

No Award: The candidate demonstrates an overall inadequate level of achievement in terms of stylistic insight, performing presence, audience awareness, reading accuracy, rhythmic sense and preparation of topics.

Unable to Assess (UA) will also result in No Award.