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Micaela Nathan

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Micaela Nathan

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Examiner 1115
PhD, MA, GDip MT, GCertGIM, BMus, ASCM

Dr Micaela Nathan is a professional orchestral and concert clarinettist, music therapist, composer and artistic director. She gained her BMus (high distinction), MA (music therapy) and PhD at Sydney University, with adjunctive post-graduate research through Melbourne University and UTS. Her doctorate research has contributed to her expertise in the areas of performance anxiety and music therapy.

Over her 40-year career as a concert musician, Dr Nathan has worked with the major Australian symphony, opera and ballet orchestra in NSW, QLD and Victoria, and held principal positions with music theatre productions in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea.

Dr Nathan has been a music educator for 40 years at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, including lecturer in woodwinds and piano at the Northern Rivers Conservatorium, Penrith Conservatorium, the University of NSW and UTS. She is regularly sought for specialist instruction for HSC, undergraduate and post-graduate music students.

As a registered music therapist, Dr Nathan provides music learning programs for children who are neurodivergent and have disabilities. She has undertaken specialist post-graduate training and has 15 years experience teaching these unique children.

Dr Nathan has composed five albums of structured music therapy sessions, presented at international music therapy conferences and published for the International Journal of Music and Imagery. As an adjunct to performing and teaching, Dr Nathan spent many years facilitating workshops combining music psychology and music therapy for community events, RPA cancer patients and post-graduate students of music therapy.